Mr John Whistler from Sons of the American Revolution presented the Historical Society with a plaque for our patriotism. We preserved and display the 45 Star flag that was donated by the Lamb family and recently framed by Mangelsens. We are honored to receive this recognition and proudly display the flag at the Portal Schoolhouse. We are proud to preserve and share our Nations history and Papillion history.
All posts by Julie Kasun
Pioneer Paperbacks Book Club
Inspired by the Sautter Farmhouse & Portal Schoolhouse, travel back in time to the pioneer days each month as we read titles by Willa Cather and friends.
This month we are reading The Rim of the Prairie by Bess Streeter Aldrich. The book club is hosted in partnership with the Sarpy County Museum and Papillion Area Historical Society.
Join us on Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 10 am at the South Meeting Room at the Sump Memorial Library.
February is the month of LOVE!!
Pioneer Paperbacks Book Club
Merry Christmas from the Historical Society

The members of the Historical Society want to wish you a very Merry Christmas!! We just finished up with the “Stroll Down Gingerbread Lane” event this past Saturday and Sunday. Thank you to all the guests and those who donated a gingerbread house! The event was a success and we raffled off and gave away over 40 gingerbread houses!!
DeBunking the Holly Hatchet Story
Recently a UNO student and his professor visited us at the schoolhouse and discussed the false fable about the Portal Schoolhouse. Members of the Historical Society shared the truth behind the myth. If you are interested in hearing more information please listen in on October 27th at 7 pm on or KVNO 90.7 HD-2. These stories are false and in the past they caused damage to property and to students who attended the school. The truth is it is a made up story and there are no facts to support the myth. The school is host to many school children who visit during NE History month and it is not our wish to scare anyone. The school is a place where we welcome all in a safe environment.
Naturalization Ceremony on Saturday, Sept. 17th
On Saturday September 17th at 1:30 pm the Historical Society will once again host a Naturalization Ceremony on the grounds outside the Historic Portal Schoolhouse. We are excited to once again have the opportunity to celebrate these new citizens. In case of rain the ceremony will be moved to the Papillion Landing. The ceremony is open to the public.
Please join us on Thursday, July 7th at 7 pm
I would like to everyone to our July meeting. The meeting will be held in the North Room at the Sump Memorial Library at 7 pm, this Thursday, July 7th.
We will start off the meeting with discussion by Mr. Joe Barban. He will talk about the history surrounding the start of the railroad. After his discussion we will hold our membership meeting. All guests are welcome to stay for the membership meeting if they would like to hear more about our upcoming events and projects.
Thank you for your support of the Historical Society,
Join us for a Ribbon Cutting on May 18th at 4 pm at Sump Memorial Library
Join us for a Ribbon Cutting & refreshments to celebrate the Historical Society’s new display space in the Sump Memorial Library. May 18th at 4 pm we will cut the ribbon. You can visit with members Ann Saarela and Shirley Ertz as they tell the story of moving the Sautter House to its present location. Learn about how the Historical Society got it’s start in beautiful downtown Papillion!
Everyone is Welcome!! Membership Meeting, Thursday May 5th at 7 pm at Historic Portal Schoolhouse
Everyone is invited to attend!! Ben Justman the from Sarpy County Museum will start off the meeting with a discussion about Sarpy County history. New Board members will be voted in and we will welcome our new members. Please consider joining us for the Ben’s discussion and meeting. Please consider joining us as a member of the Historical Society. We appreciate your support.